dad may have been right
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a horrible sinking feeling as you drift to sleep
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
I remain perplexed as to how this movie was considered funny.

I went to previews of it, and walked out. Last night, on a lark, ordered it from On Demand. While there were indeed funny parts, that caused me to laugh, out loud even, there were more that were just plain shitty.

Before the usual bevy of "you hate everything, you elitest jackass" are dropped on me, remember; I said there were many funny moments, and also, I enjoyed Wedding Crashers, Old School, and several other movies in the new league of R rated comedies. There is something about Anchorman though that simply rubs me the wrong way.

Also, the men who work in the store across the street seem to have stopped using deoderant. I think this is a terrible, terrible development, but am unsure how to bring it up, or remedy it, or if I should just simply accept that they are philisophically opposed to not smelling like an Assbomb was detonated over them.

spouted by Johnny @ 11:27 AM  
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