Sunday, February 26, 2006 |
noctural interlude. |
The glass of wine is out of place on a space otherwise dedicayed to technology, standing with an awkward dignity among discarded discs, Operating Systems, the odd heat sink or two, and old SIMMS chips.
Staring at it, mesmerized by the pattern the bassline of the music playing in the background etches on the meniscus, I find myself drifting, as I often do, caught up in the moment. Intently staring, momentarily misplacing my body, the room around me, light fades to a grey fog around the periphary of the glass, and those wonderful, pulsing ripples.
A sudden noise to my left destroys the potential building, and the moment shatters like spun glass. Turning in a momentary rage, the same feeling of anger and frustration every time, I snap back into my body, becoming aware of the area again.
I chuckle, realizing it was the cat. It could have been anything, really. Sometimes, I simply pay to much attention to what is happening in my mind that what is happening around.
Frankly, I think it is wonderful. |
spouted by Johnny @ 10:17 PM |
Tuesday, February 21, 2006 |
dot. |
For all my posturing about being a member of the cogniscenti, today I just watched Resident Evil:Apocalypse for what was the 18th time since it came out. And no, I do not own the DVD. I am simply addicted to its winning combination of flesh starved zombies, large weapons, overwhelming odds, and of course, a superpowered Milla Jovovich. She can stay. Forever. |
spouted by Johnny @ 2:25 PM |
Saturday, February 18, 2006 |
totalitarianism has never been so goddamned cute. |
Now seriously folks, would you really mind your freedom being limited by this cute couple? JingJing(right) and ChaCha(left, aDUH) are the Communist Partys weapon agansit online subversives. They are active and activated on any webpage you visit in the wacky People's Republic as a popup block that follows you, no matter how far down you scroll. Just by clicking on them you may access whatever information you want about what is Forbidden while surfing in the People's Republic and also, file a report to the nearest police station in order to report a site for violation. This is TOTALLY AWESOME!!! Additionally, Ms. Chen, the woman who developed and rolled out this program suggested the US try this, since Google refused to release records to them, and that fun loving People's Republic had no such trouble. C'mon Google! Lookit the money! Sit! Beg! Limit freedom.
Fucking spineless cowards. |
spouted by Johnny @ 11:08 AM |
Friday, February 17, 2006 |
i got nothing. |
From the AP:
Shooting Victim Apologizes to Vice President
The man shot by Vice President Dick Cheney today apologized for what Cheney and his family have had to endure since the weekend hunting accident in Texas. Harry Whittington, 78, said: "Whatever activities we pursue and regardless of how experienced, careful and dedicated we are, accidents do and will happen." Whittington, speaking to reporters outside the hospital where he was treated, added: "My family and I are deeply sorry for all that Vice President Cheney and his family have had to go through this week."
I've got nothing. Sorry you shot me. It must have been rough.
spouted by Johnny @ 3:58 PM |
can't sleep. |
I cannot sleep. It's about day 2 of it. Bugger. I was looking at upcoming DVD releases, and this comic struck me as appropriate. I think we all feel this way, sometimes. Put all them shits in there, indeed. |
spouted by Johnny @ 3:32 PM |
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 |
That which killed the cat... |
I'm puzzled. And extremely curious. All politics aside, and I mean all, I am completely baffled by a headline I read earlier today. It was "Cheney Accepts Responsibility For Shooting Accident". Now, curiosity comes in when I wonder how exactly he could AVOID taking responsibility. Let me clear something up, by the way, right off the bat. I am not gunning after Cheney here, and even if I was, we all know he is some sort of secret robot/ninja/zombie, so I could never get him anyway. I simply find myself wondering how one could shift responsibility for bucking a seventy-eight year old in the chest with birdshot to someone other than the one who pulled the trigger. Before anyone decided to bombard me with "What if it was the other guys fault, blah blah blah?" I'd like to counter with this: Hush. It wasn't.
And apart from that, my real boggle is that this is a HEADLINE. He 'decides' to accept responsibility, and this is NEWS.
HE SHOT A MOTHERFUCKER!!! YOU DON'T DECIDE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY!!! IT'S ALREADY THERE!!! YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CAUSING THE GUN TO FIRE!!! know what? forget it. personal responibility must be dead, if someone deciding to take it is headline worthy news. |
spouted by Johnny @ 5:06 PM |
This comic explains my life, almost in its totality. Except replace the monkey with Zot. |
spouted by Johnny @ 1:05 AM |
Monday, February 13, 2006 |
I Want You! |
spouted by Johnny @ 5:15 PM |
Sunday, February 12, 2006 |
Frightening honest politicians... |
Story courtesy of the AP:
Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and injured a man during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, his spokeswoman said Sunday. Harry Whittington, 78, was "alert and doing fine" after Cheney sprayed Whittington with shotgun pellets on Saturday at the Armstrong Ranch in south Texas, said property owner Katharine Armstrong. Armstrong said Cheney turned to shoot a bird and accidentally hit Whittington. She said Whittington was taken to Corpus Christi Memorial Hospital by ambulance. Cheney's spokeswoman, Lea Anne McBride, said the vice president was with Whittington, a lawyer from Austin, Texas, and his wife at the hospital on Sunday afternoon.
I know I see this as a lot more, well, for lack of a better term, awesome, than it probably was when it went down. I imagine an enraged zombie-Cheney, blasting his 'friend' with double-aught buckshot, and then snarling, "You got in the way of the bird, ASSHOLE" with white spittle flying from his mouth as he begins to beat at a 78 year old with the stock of the shotgun. It would be the most honest of expression of the contempt for human life he feels that Cheney would ever be seen to perform.
spouted by Johnny @ 4:01 PM |
Hm. |
Well, it certainly has been a little while, but whatever can we do?
Not too fucking much, it turns out.
The world continues on a daily basis to prove that everything truly does tend towards entropy, with WWIV being begun by a cartoon and Isreal and the United States drawing straws to see who will launch the first volley into Iran.
Of course, someone really ought to tell Mr. Ahmadinejad that the days of bookending political diatribes with 'Carthago delenda est' finished after the Punic Wars, and also, Iran isn't Rome, and if Carthage had the amount of nukes Isreal did, I'll bet that in addition to being able to check out some books written practically at the dawn of time from the Alexandria branch library we would all be speaking Phonecian.
But I digress.
I am also moderately thrilled with the Olympics. By which I mean I have viewed approximately 15 minutes of it total. While drunk. In a bar. With techno music thumping.
Personally, I found that the grooves booming out kinda made Ski Jumping look a lot cooler than it actually is. |
spouted by Johnny @ 10:40 AM |
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